I am the very model of a modern Major-Imbecile
Meme: "I'm speaking with myself because I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things."I've information confidential, speculative, and trivial
As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 16, 2017
In May 2017 President Trump met with Sergey V. Lavrov and Sergey I. Kislyak, a meeting in which Russian media was allowed and U.S. media was barred
Trump Bars U.S. Press, but Not Russia’s, at Meeting With Russian Officials
It was also reported that President Trump revealed highly classified information. If true it would mean that Trump "revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies."
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 12, 2017
Just tried watching Saturday Night Live - unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 4, 2016
I know the czars of Russia, and I tweet my thoughts maniacal
The last Russian Czar was Nicholas II
Sack cartoon: The Trump-Putin encounterFrom tapping phones to "no one knew", in order unaccountable
How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017
A Freedom of Information Act request led the Department of Justice to state in a court filing that "Both the FBI and NSD confirm that they have no records related to wiretaps as described the March 4, 2017 tweets"
DOJ: No evidence Trump Tower was wiretapped
Funny how the Fake News Media doesn’t want to say that the Russian group was formed in 2014, long before my run for President. Maybe they knew I was going to run even though I didn’t know!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2018
Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 5, 2018
Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr., have changed their stories on the purpose of the Trump Tower meeting
The Double Damage of the President’s Trump Tower Admission
I'm very well acquainted too with matters dictatorial
Source: Donald Trump: America's African President (via Comedy Central)
Some have criticized Trump's tendency to make positive comments about dictators
Nine Notorious Dictators, Nine Shout-Outs From Donald Trump
I understand injunctions, both the pending and enforceable
Trump 9th circuit meme
On February 9, 2017 the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals denied an emergency motion for a stay by the Trump administration
February 9, 2017 Order in D.C. No. 2:17-cv-00141
About the failing media I'm steaming with a lot o' news
In analyzing the Alabama Primary race,FAKE NEWS always fails to mention that the candidate I endorsed went up MANY points after endorsement!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2017
It is finally sinking through. 46% OF PEOPLE BELIEVE MAJOR NATIONAL NEWS ORGS FABRICATE STORIES ABOUT ME. FAKE NEWS, even worse! Lost cred.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 22, 2017
The same poll includes other less flattering results including a 51 percent disapproval for President Trump (Q172NET)
Morning Consult National Tracking Poll - October 12-16, 2017
Watched low rated @Morning_Joe for first time in long time. FAKE NEWS. He called me to stop a National Enquirer article. I said no! Bad show
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 30, 2017
The media has been speculating that I fired Rex Tillerson or that he would be leaving soon - FAKE NEWS! He’s not leaving and while we disagree on certain subjects, (I call the final shots) we work well together and America is highly respected again!https://t.co/FrqiPLFJ1E
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 1, 2017
Rex Tillerson did leave three months later
Trump ousts Tillerson, will replace him as secretary of state with CIA chief Pompeo
The Fake News Media will not talk about the importance of the United Nations Security Council's 15-0 vote in favor of sanctions on N. Korea!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2017
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2017
The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2017
Trump has been widely criticized for hostility towards the news media though he has occasionally rebuked that by saying he means "fake news", which is in his view something like 80 percent of news media, is the real culprit
Trump turns to Fox friend for coveted interview
With alternative facts about the so-called torture of the Jews
This lyric conflates a widely mocked gaffe made by Kellyanne Conway, who suggested exaggerated figures regarding inauguration attendance were not falsehoods but "alternative facts", and a strong implication that Trump holds sympathy for Holocaust deniers. While it would be fair to say there has been no explicit support from the Trump administration for that baseless conspiracy (i.e. the theory that the Holocaust did not occur) the lyric is meant to underscore Trump's tacit acceptance of support from those holding either subtle or radical racial and/or cultural animus.
Current banner on @MSNBC pic.twitter.com/8mrrFJmAWG
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) April 11, 2017
I'm very good at infantile and detrimental craziness
#FraudNewsCNN #FNN pic.twitter.com/WYUnHjjUjg
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2017
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 3, 2018
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2018
I know the systematic games of rabble rousing looniness
Why doesn't Fake News talk about Podesta ties to Russia as covered by @FoxNews or money from Russia to Clinton - sale of Uranium?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2017
Politifact has reported on noted allegations
Fact-checking Donald Trump’s tweets about Hillary Clinton and Russia
If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2017
In short, in matters unremorseful, amoral and mythical
Did Trump really mock reporter's disability? (via Fox News)
Serge Kovaleski, the reporter said to have been mocked by Trump in this clip, suffers from a disability related to joints' structure and function and reported on Trump for years.
Reporter mocked by Trump says the 2 knew each other well
I am the very model of a modern Major-Imbecile
I know revisionist history, Civil Wars and certificates
Robert E. Lee statue Obama Long Form Birth Certificate (stamp added)
Access and description available on Obama White House archive
President Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate
I question U.S. servants, I've a pretty taste for Bolsheviks
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, is actually a distinctly anti-revolutionary conservative and might not appreciate being described as Bolshevik
Why Putin Won't Be Marking the Hundredth Anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 12, 2017
I believe the James Comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. Totally illegal? Very 'cowardly!'
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 11, 2017
James Comey, the former FBI Director fired by President Trump, has said "I hope there are [tapes], and I’ll consent to the release of them,". The alleged tapes have never materialized and Trump later said he did not record the conversations at issue.
Comey swipes at Trump: 'Lordy, this time there will be a tape'
I quote enthusiastic all the crimes of Hillary screwing us
Hillary Clinton testifies regarding BenghaziHillary Clinton, Trump's main opponent during the 2016 U.S. election, is a well known and often maligned figure in U.S. politics. Trump has likely more often and persistently complained about his defeated opponent than any electoral victor in living memory if not all of U.S. history. Since February 2017 there does not seem to be a month in which Trump has failed to mention 'Clinton' on Twitter at least once (as of August 2018). Trump Twitter Archive
So why aren't the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 24, 2017
Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign. But why aren't Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus?????
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 30, 2017
Why does the Mueller team have 13 hardened Democrats, some big Crooked Hillary supporters, and Zero Republicans? Another Dem recently added...does anyone think this is fair? And yet, there is NO COLLUSION!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 18, 2018
Why didn’t the 13 Angry Democrats investigate the campaign of Crooked Hillary Clinton, many crimes, much Collusion with Russia? Why didn’t the FBI take the Server from the DNC? Rigged Investigation!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 27, 2018
There was No Collusion with Russia (except by the Democrats). When will this very expensive Witch Hunt Hoax ever end? So bad for our Country. Is the Special Counsel/Justice Department leaking my lawyers letters to the Fake News Media? Should be looking at Dems corruption instead?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 2, 2018
So we now find out that it was indeed the unverified and Fake Dirty Dossier, that was paid for by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC, that was knowingly & falsely submitted to FISA and which was responsible for starting the totally conflicted and discredited Mueller Witch Hunt!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2018
Collusion is not a crime, but that doesn’t matter because there was No Collusion (except by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats)!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 31, 2018
In chronic I can shore peculiarities cantankerous
Jeff Sessions at a Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing (caption added)
Sessions quote
Trump’s pick for attorney general: ‘Good people don’t smoke marijuana’
I can tell undoubted real intels from liberal cows and bad Chinese
Donald Trump / Rosie O'Donnell
Trump has routinely quibbled with O'Donnell
A complete timeline of Trump's years-long feud with Rosie O'Donnell
Trump famously invoked O'Donnell to deflect questioning regarding his comments about women generally
Donald Trump destroys Rosie O'Donnell during debate
As I said today and many times before, “I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people.” However, I also recognize that in order to build a brighter future, we cannot exclusively focus on the past – as the world’s two largest nuclear powers, we must get along! #HELSINKI2018
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2018
Trump was strongly criticized by former intelligence officials and others for his seeming inability to support the findings of the U.S intelligence community that Russia actively interfered with the U.S. election process
Trump Questions Finding of Russia’s 2016 Meddling as He Appears With Putin (via WSJ)
Trump attempted to reverse his Helsinki comments saying he misspoke when saying he didn't see why Russia "would" instead of "wouldn't" meddle in U.S. elections
Would or wouldn't: how Trump's claim he misspoke unleashed a meme-fest
China is targeting our farmers, who they know I love & respect, as a way of getting me to continue allowing them to take advantage of the U.S. They are being vicious in what will be their failed attempt. We were being nice - until now! China made $517 Billion on us last year.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2018
There have been suggestions that Trump tarriffs may disproportionately harm agriculture interests who also tend to be Trump supporters
Trump's tariff war threatens to erode support of farmers
I know the stroking chorus from the cogs of white theocracies
Donald Trump greets supporters in Mobile, Alabama (August 2015)IN AMERICA WE DON'T WORSHIP GOVERNMENT - WE WORSHIP GOD!🎥https://t.co/jIejSgVnnA
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017
One study suggests "Christian nationalist ideology was a robust predictor of voting for Trump"
Make America Christian Again: Christian Nationalism and Voting for Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election
Then I can frame a fugitive I heard has used this phone before
Trump / Obama with tweet embeddedTerrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017
I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017
And marshal all the heirs for that internal family favor store
Trump has famously failed to release his tax returns unlike most U.S. Presidents in recent memory. On this note he reneged on a promise he made to do so just before being inaugurated and after having been elected.
Release his tax returns after an audit is completed - FALSE
There is at least one lawsuit alleging Trump violates the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution.
Federal Lawsuit Against President Trump's Business Interests Allowed To Proceed
Then I will start white washing bills while babbling on Twitter more
Donald Trump signs an executive orderI am very supportive of the Senate #HealthcareBill. Look forward to making it really special! Remember, ObamaCare is dead.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 22, 2017
Trump also called the bill 'mean'
Trump Says He Did Call the G.O.P. Health Care Bill "Mean" After All
And tell you every detail of fake news's most vindictive scorn
FAKE NEWS media knowingly doesn't tell the truth. A great danger to our country. The failing @nytimes has become a joke. Likewise @CNN. Sad!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 25, 2017
Wow, @foxandfriends is blowing away the competition in the morning ratings. Morning Joe is a dead show with very few people watching and sadly, Fake News CNN is also doing poorly. Too much hate and inaccurately reported stories - too predictable!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 2, 2018
The Fake News Media is going CRAZY! They are totally unhinged and in many ways, after witnessing first hand the damage they do to so many innocent and decent people, I enjoy watching. In 7 years, when I am no longer in office, their ratings will dry up and they will be gone!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 31, 2018
While all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us.FAKE NEWS
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2017
The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media. I look forward to our second meeting so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed, including stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear........
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 19, 2018
I had a GREAT meeting with Putin and the Fake News used every bit of their energy to try and disparage it. So bad for our country!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2018
In short, in matters unremorseful, amoral and mythical
Prayer in the Oval Office
Trump: "I think apologizing's a great thing, but you have to be wrong. I will absolutely apologize, sometime in the hopefully distant future, if I'm ever wrong."
30 of Donald Trump's wildest quotes - On apologies
Trump: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best. They're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting."
30 of Donald Trump's wildest quotes - On immigrants
I am the very model of a modern Major-Imbecile
In fact when I know that agents, try sullying my epic win
Robert S. Mueller III as FBI Director
On May 17, 2017, Robert S. Mueller III was appointed by acting Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein to serve as Special Counsel
Special Counsel's Office | Department of Justice
When I can tell my plight is stupid piffle not a damning sin
Facebook screen capture (URL of original article)When such affairs as pussies and franchises I'm more wary at
Trump quoted from famous Access Hollywood tape Settlement of Trump University lawsuit (link to NBC News article)And when I know precisely what the failing media's playing at
Percent of news reports with positive/negative tone (1st 100 days) News Coverage of Donald Trump’s First 100 Days (via Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center)When I have learnt what progress has been made in what is asked of me
Screen capture of Politifact Trump-O-Meter Scorecard (link to web page)
Trump proponents often claim he has kept many promises. There are in fact a number of promises Politifact rates as "Promise Kept"
Promise Kept rulings on Trump-O-Meter
When I know more of basics holding office in democracy
Quote from Trumpocracy, newly relevant in wake of Trumpist tacit acquiescence to Russian aid in US elections pic.twitter.com/pjBqxpBZHi
— David Frum (@davidfrum) July 19, 2018
In short when I've a smattering of elemental policy
Trump at Dallas rally September 2015The selected articles are a small sample of issues chosen to highlight issues of contradictory communications coming from the Trump administration
In Guatemala, Trump's Homeland Security chief contradicts new immigration directives Trump on deportations: 'It's a military operation' Five Contradictions in the White House’s Story About Comey’s Firing Federal Climate Report Contradicts Trump Administration Stance Trump Walks Back Threat to Blow Up U.S.-British Trade Talks Mulvaney quickly walks back Trump vow to wipe out Puerto Rico debt The Trump Administration Contradicts Itself on Putin’s OfferYou'll say a greater Major-Imbecile has never bested me
Donald Trump Presidential Campaign Announcement (C-SPAN, June 16, 2015) Trump: Nobody Knew Health Care Could Be So Complicated (via Bloomberg Politics) The moment Donald Trump is warned not to look directly at the sun (via Guardian News)For my military knowledge though I'm jumpy and compulsory
Trump's First Year in Numbers: Strikes Triple in Yemen and Somalia US air wars under Trump: increasingly indiscriminate, increasingly opaque
Issues regarding a lack of transparency in the Trump administrations' military policy is not limited to drone usage
The Pentagon's Transparency Problem
Has only been thought sound to those who don't see my deficiencies
But still, in matters unremorseful, amoral and mythical
Image released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Image referenced as "People in custody at US Border Patrol's Central Processing Station in McAllen, Texas on June 17, 2018. Photo: U.S. Customs and Border Protection/MGN"
AP report: Youngest migrants held in 'tender age' shelters
I am the very model of a modern Major-Imbecile
America for all its faults has many ways to self-correct
Even the highest officer can not forever stay unchecked